Thursday, December 27, 2007

Creating a Good Interaction Design

Design is all about enhancing the way people work and communicate. Designing interactive product requires considering who is going to use it and how. Think for a moment… how many interactive products you use in a day? Mobile phone, Microwave, Car, ATM, Television. How many products do you like to use which are hard to understand? Now this is where an Interaction designer’s role starts. Interaction designer needs to have an understanding of their business and the requirements of their customers.

The main concern of Interaction designers is to develop interactive products which are usable and easily acceptable by users. To start with we need to identify the weaknesses and strengths of different interactive systems thus we can begin to understand what it means for something to usable or not. Designing usable products thus requires a designer to understand who is going to use it and what will be the use of the product. Another key point is to understand the kind of activities people will do while interacting with the product.

Interaction designer should think around optimizing the user’s interaction with a system, environment or product to match user’s activities. You can also use basic principles of Interaction design and can also involve users to make better choices. This will involve–

  • To identify what people are good and bad at,
  • Considering what might help people with the way they currently do things,
  • Thinking innovative ways to provide quality user experiences,
  • Involve users to understand what people,
  • Using “tried and tested” user-based techniques.

Essentially, the process of Interaction design involves few basic activities–

  • Identifying the needs of users and establishing the requirements,
  • Create alternative design meeting those requirements,
  • Creating different versions of your design which can be compared and assessed,
  • Evaluating what has been designed in effort to meet the requirements.

There are few basic goals of a good design which designers should stick with–
  • Effective usage,
  • Easy to learn,
  • Easy to remember,
  • Useful.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

AOL's all new look (Avtaar) reminds me of Yahoo

I was browsing internet and thought of going on AOL and It was a big surprise to see AOL's all new look. You can see AOL in a new Avtaar.

Hey... wait a second, I saw this look somewhere earlier too.... let me think... think...
Aah! Anyone can tell, this is almost same as Yahoo! and it is also same in terms of functionalities.

Let me explain 2 - 3 of them -
  • Right panel - you can find links for Email, Weather, Radio etc. Take your mouse cursor over any of the link and you will see the same sliding layer as in Yahoo

  • Not only the Ajax effect but links also seems to be same
  • The left panel contains link same as Yahoo

  • I want to bring your notice one of the button in left panel... "More from AOL" and now see Yahoo's Left panel. You will find the same button on the same place.

I have nothing left to say but totally zapped. Please add you comments and share your thoughts on this.

-- Thanks, Akash Srivastava